Cultural activity
to 18.4 Km in our area
Eyrignac et ses Jardins
Set high in the Périgord Noir (Black Perigord), and close to Sarlat lays a 10 hectare verdant oasis: the magnificent French style gardens of Eyrignac. In this space where time has stood still, come and witness the spectacle of nature. See the 300 sculpted plants superbly hand clipped by gardeners in the tradition of times gone by, fountains, reflective waters, the play of light and shade and the flower beds. This architectural treasure has been inhabited by the same family for 500 years. They claim amongst their ancestors the illustrious author of the monologue ""Fier comme Artaban"" (As proud as a Peacock).
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Cultural activity
to 24.1 Km in our area
Office de Tourisme Sarlat Périgord Noir
Bienvenue à l'Office de Tourisme Sarlat Périgord Noir ! Nous avons le plaisir de vous accueillir dans nos trois bureaux d'information et nous vous renseignons sur les activités, les visites, les manifestations et les hébergements. Retrouvez-nous à Sarlat en plein cœur de la cité médiévale, ainsi que dans les plus beaux villages de France de Beynac et de La Roque-Gageac.
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Cultural heritage
to 23.4 Km in our area
La Madeleine Grand Site
The Madeleine Grand Site, an invitation to go back in time ... This exceptional natural site, one of the best preserved in the Vézère Valley, has attracted man from prehistory to the present day. At the cliff's foot, semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers has settled here 17,000. The prehistoric site of the site gave its name to this prehistoric civilization: the Magdalenian. The exhibition traces the great discoveries of the archaeological site: the engraved Mammoth, the burial of the child of the Madeleine, whose know for his adornment, made of more than 1150 pierced shells ... And of course, the masterpiece, the peak of our Cro-Magnon ancestor's art : the Bison "who licks his side". Halfway up, you will discover a medieval troglodyte village. Which has been inhabited between the early Middle Ages and the end of the 19th century. Among the buildings craved in the rock, a remarkable Gothic chapel from the fifteenth century, which appears to be hanging from the cliff. On the upper floor, on the calcareous plateau, you can find the remains of the Petit-Marzac castle, built in the 13th century. Here, you will notice the ingenuity and the know-how of these rural "troglodytes", who knew how to take advantage of their natural environment (stone, wood, water and agricultural lands) to build their refuge. We are wondering today about the use of our resources, coming to draw inspiration from what has been done at the Madeleine can serve as an example for our future. Situated In the heart of the Périgord Noir, the village of the Madeleine welcomes you all year long : family visits, group or guided school tours. Visitors also have a picnic area along with a beautiful view of the valley. What's new, this year?! The creation of a dozen apairies, to preserve bee colonies. Get ready to experience an extraordinary journey, through history, from prehistory (-17,000 years) to the present days, passing by the Middle Ages ... Enjoy your visit !
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Cultural activity
to 22 Km in our area
Denoix Maître Liquoriste
Grande fabrique de liqueur fondée en 1839 à Brive-la-Gaillarde en Corrèze. Nous perpétuons le savoir-faire des maîtres liquoristes du XIXème siècle, garantissant ainsi la qualité de nos liqueurs et apéritifs à base de noix, plantes et fruits. Ce savoir-faire et ce patrimoine du goût sont transmis de génération en génération au sein de la même famille depuis le XIXème siècle. Labellisée Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant, notre maison s'attache à respecter la pure tradition du métier à travers le goût de nos produits et leur élaboration. Nos spécialités sont produites à base de jus de noix vertes, vieilli cinq années en fût de chêne, de macérations de plantes et de fruits et de distillations. Toutes nos fabrications sont réalisées dans notre chai avec les techniques et instruments ancestraux : chaudron de cuivre, alambic à bain marie, foyers au feu de bois et charbon, cuves en cuivre étamé et fûts de chêne. La maison Denoix a également sorti de l'oubli la fameuse Moutarde Violette de Brive, reconnue comme un met délicat emblématique de l'excellence française.
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Cultural heritage
to 13.3 Km in our area
Château & Jardins de Losse
The Château and Gardens of Losse (listed as a historic monument) invites you to visit the grand Renaissance residence, its important 16th century decor and its remarkable collection of period furniture and tapestries. You can also discover its medieval fortifications: towers, moats, underground passages. The magnificent gardens labeled Remarkable Garden invite you to stroll through the rooms of greenery and roses, suspended above the Vézère. The magnificent gardens labeled Remarkable Garden, the setting of the castle, invite you to stroll through the rooms of greenery, suspended above the Vézère. Roses and topiaries delight the visitor's gaze.
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Cultural activity
to 17.7 Km in our area
Les Jardins de Colette et son labyrinthe
Les Jardins de Colette proposent une escapade unique et ludique sur 5 hectares pour tous les âges ! Des jardins hors du temps pour retomber en enfance, jouer, éveiller ses sens sur les pas de la romancière Colette et de la célèbre écolière impertinente, Claudine. Six jardins thématiques pour un voyage surprenant ! Les jeux géants Des mikados en bois aussi grands qu'un adulte ? Une forêt qui "grelotte" quand on s'aventure à l'intérieur... Non, vous ne rêvez pas ! Les Jardins de Colette vous plongent aussi dans l'univers du jeu grandeur nature ! Le labyrinthe géant Vivez une expérience originale avec Poum et Poucette. Le départ d'une aventure incroyable dans un dédale de 5000m² en osier vivant... Une véritable enquête à mener avec des portails et des portes d'eau à digicodes, des mots à trouver, sésames pour espérer sortir de cet immense papillon ! Les animations Pâques Rendez-vous aux jardins Nocturnes estivales Journées du patrimoine Halloween
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 4.4 Km in our area
Bovetti chocolats
Welcome to Bovetti Chocolats , an artisanal chocolate factory located in the Périgord Noir. Valter Bovetti is a chocolate maker artisan passionate about gastronomy and the mixing of aromas. Explorer of regions, for almost 30 years in his workshop in Terrasson in Dordogne he has been making chocolates appreciated throughout France, but also in nearly 30 countries all over the world! Concerned since the creation of his chocolate factory to offer the best, he uses only quality raw materials and perpetuates the tradition of old-fashioned chocolate. He shares this passion through a visit to his Chocolate Museum. You will discover the history of cocoa, the work in the plantations and the stages of transformation… from the cocoa bean to the artisanal chocolate making which you attend. At the end of the visits, the children make a take-away mold with its reusable mold. Then comes the long awaited moment of the tasting where a whole range of Bovetti delicacies is offered to you. Finally, enjoy a stopover in the beautiful chocolate shop which offers you different decorations all year round, created according to the period (Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween ...). Make the fun last by bringing back delicious memories! BOUTIQUE AND MUSEUM OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND (following government health measures, the museum visit is suspended until further notice. However, you have the possibility until April 6 to come and watch the making of our casts and to win 1 day of immersion with our chocolate makers). Strengthen your collective values at the heart of the Bovetti universe! Have a room for your business seminars and team building sessions, visit the Chocolate Museum and step into the shoes of Valter Bovetti by participating in workshops under the sign of cocoa (molding, painting on molds, etc. .). For special reservation requests (museum privatization, birthday, team building, seminar, group ...) please contact us at
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